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Come join us October 4th at Graham Central Station in Pflugerville for our Breast Cancer Awareness Month concert. American Idol Bucky Covington and special guest Bombshel will be performing, and all ticket sales will benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation of Austin.
Early to bed, early to rise! And by early, that means 6:45 to snag a copy of the much anticipated Halo 3.

I didn't get up early for Halo 3, though. We had cheerleading practice at 7:00-- the bain of my existence. However, some of my teammates were in high spirits because they caught rides from their Halo crazed friends who were on their way to get their copies! See, everyone wins. Go team, go.
I wonder why some people think that it's ok to spend lots of money at a bar but not leave even a dollar for a tip. It makes my job soooo hard.
This past weekend was ACL, an event that draws crowds of people to Austin and then, if I'm lucky, to bars and clubs around town. I was kind of bummed that I had to miss the festivities because of work, but at the same time not too much because it should have been a good weekend. Maybe good enough to go shopping! Instead, the club was bombarded with people who seemed to have their one dollar bills ready for their Bud Lights, but no dollar bills for their bartenders. Anyone in the business knows that this is frustrating and annoying. I mean, a dollar for beers all night long is a heck of a good deal, right? That leaves you more money to tip!
It's really rude to watch your bartender (or beer tub girl) work their butts off to get you your drinks quickly and move through the line as fast as they can, and five drinks later you still haven't tipped a dollar. So don't be too upset when your bartender seems to get to everyone else in the line except for you, even when you've been there the longest. Contrary to popular belief, most bars pay a dollar or so an hour (and it later gets taken out by taxes), and we really just make money through tips. Next time you go out for a night on the town, don't forget to take care of your bartender. We'll love you for it.
So my boyfriend, the horror geek, dragged me to see Rob Zombie's Halloween two weeks ago, and today we randomly started talking about the millions and gazillions of horror film remakes that were made in the last five years. I'm not much of a horror movie buff because I still have nightmares like a five-year-old, which is funny because Steve has pretty much every horror film ever made, autographed posters from George A. Romero (and countless other horror movie greats), checks his Fangoria page every hour and attends horror festivals religiously. Yeah, I was the oddball out in my NYU lacrosse t-shirt at Texas Frightmare with Romero and Troma film creator Lloyd Kaufman (by the way, I LOVE him.) What can I say, Steve just has to put up with my Girls Next Door and Food Network marathons from now on.
Today we talked about how Hollywood is dead and there are no more original ideas for movies anymore. Everything is pretty much remade, and then remade again... and again... and again. House of Wax, Amityville Horror, Dawn of the Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and The Hills Have Eyes are all remakes. Hollywood is going international, taking horror movies from Japan and Korea and putting an American spin on them. They have already done so with The Ring (Japanese "Ringu") and The Grudge (their "Ju-on.") That's where that creepy little kid came from. Premonition, featuring Sandra Bullock, is a remake of a Japanese film. Even Dark Water with Jennifer Connelly. To no surprise, Hollywood is currently working on remakes of Oldboy, The Eye, and the Korean film Battle Royale. Oh they aren't stopping there, no sir. There are rumors circulating of remaking Poltergeist, Friday the 13th, and Wes Craven's Last House on the Left. George A. Romero's Day of the Dead and The Crazies aren't getting away either, according to Steve's buddies on Fangoria.
This Halloween, I look forward to seeing Trick or Treat (the preview is on my limited edition, Best Buy double disc package with the little Spartan helmet of 300... ooooh yeah). I don't care if all the horror geeks like Steve predict that it will be lame, I just want to see a scary movie that I "haven't seen before," if you know what I'm sayin'.